学校简介 About Us
洞悉未来 ● 荟萃中西 ● 心系祖国
Future-Ready Thinkers ● Bicultural Leaders ● Caring Citizens
使命 Mission
To nurture bilingual NCzens who learn with zest, lead with confidence, and serve with empathy
校训与价值观 Motto and Values
诚 Sincerity 诚以待人 |
毅 Perseverance 毅以处事 |
正直为本 Integrity | 坚韧不拔 Resilience |
谦恭有礼 Humility | 创新启智 Innovation |
饮水思源 Gratitude | 止于至善 Excellence |
正直为本 Integrity
To uphold our moral and ethical principles and stand up for what is right even in testing moments.
谦恭有礼 Humility
To be modest in words and deeds and to respect others and learn from them.
饮水思源 Gratitude
To be thankful for what we have and to show appreciation and return kindness to others.
坚韧不拔 Resilience
To have a never give-up attitude and remain positive despite challenging situations.
创新启智 Innovation
To seek improvement through exploring innovative and creative possibilities and alternatives.
止于至善 Excellence
To be committed to doing our best and constantly seek out ways to realise our fullest potentials.