String Orchestra
This CCA is no longer accepting new members from 2024.
Monday: 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm
Friday: 3.00 pm – 6.00 pm
String Room (Level 2)
Ms Ng Su Peng (OIC)
Mdm Khoo Ching Wan
CCA Objectives
1. To promote classical and contemporary music appreciation in school.
2. To expose students of Nan Chiau High School to different cultures.
3. To inspire and enhance artistic skills in the realm of classical music.
4. To encourage teamwork, perseverance and nuture a sense of belonging to Nan Chiau High School.
5. To reach out to members of the public via community involvement programme (CIP) and public performances.
CCA Description
The String Orchestra comprises of about fifty students who have the passion for classical and contemporary music. The instruments involved in this orchestra are the violin, viola, cello and double bass. Our experienced and committed instructors will, for every session, harness and hone our members’ skills so that they become confident musicians, with a deep appreciation for classical music and the ability to perform in a team. It is not necessary for students to know how to play the violin or cello before joining the orchestra. Many of our members are able to play the violin after one year from joining the orchestra and are able to perform with confidence in the main orchestra. Our String Orchestra has offered the school an awareness and appreciation of classical and contemporary music.
Highlight(s) of Activities
1. School Anniversary Celebration
2. Exchange Programme With Other Schools
3. Aesthetics Week
4. NCHS CCA Open House
1. Certificate of Accomplishment (2015)
2. Certificate of Accomplishment (2017)
3. Certificate of Accomplishment (2019)
4. Certificate of Accomplishment (2021)
5. Certificate of Accomplishment (2023)